Phone Conference Minutes : MAS Texas Talk
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MAS Texas Blog

Phone Conference Minutes

by Tony D on 02/18/14

Action Items for Tejas Foco Thursday Planning:

(Note, I’ll post updates and information such as this on the blog or one of the pages on the website. I’ll also create a shortened link for texting or multimedia convenience.)


We know that working with the hundreds who will convene at the Tejas Foco, we shall add tens of thousands more to our cause.  This is our time.


MAS Texas Strategy meeting:
Thursday, Feb. 20 2014. 2-5pm,
Live Oak Hall, Rm. 115 Northwest Vista College
NACCS Tejas Foco




Notes from Phone Conference for MAS Texas Tuesday Feb. 18, 2014, 1pm - 2:30 PM

·      Working in conjunction with TACHE-whose conference is during the same days. Thoughts on that:


·      NACCS Tejas Foco Resolution regarding MAS April 9.


·      Appealing to National NACCS for a resolution.


·      Pressure for MAS Vote April 9.


·      Create a list of the major Cesar Chavez Day Parades, from largest attended and most media coverage to smallest.


·      Get Ruben Cortez to visit as many as possible and also create a  presentation team to hit the ones that he cannot get to.


·      We should target all 15 TX SBOE Districts; however, the following are 2 Republicans who we feel can be inspired to vote for MAS:


·      TX SBOE District 15 Amarillo:  Marty Rowley (R)-District 15,


·      SBOE Member District 14 Sue Melton-Malone (R) Waco, TX


·      1 Republican is for MAS should it come up for a vote: SBOE Member District 9,  Thomas Ratliff


·      We are going to try to reach Dolores Huerta to appear at the SBOE day of testimony April 9, in Austin. Who has some ways to reach her?


·      Our campaign will focus on TX SBOE  Chair Barbara Cargill Republican-Tea Party, from the Woodlands, District 8,  as she is the one blocking the vote on MAS, and also was part of the SBOE when they struck or demoted Chavez, Huerta, MLK from the books.


·      We should begin first series of calls during Tejas Foco, especially during major plenairies where folks can get their smart phones out and call email and tweet. #MASTexas


·      Attached is the call sheet for all TX SBOE Members. Ruben Cortez is the rep who is pushing this cause hard for us.


·      Thursday at Tejas Foco. we can devise a week by week play by play, blow by blow run down.




Phone Conference notes:



March 31: CEsar Chavez Birthday


 April 4 is the release of Cesar Chavez Film.


As a template for our strategy, Ruben Cortez offered the example of his campaign to oppose vouchers.  He allied with Texas Association of School Boards, as well as other large groups.  26 calls can make a difference.


MALDEF, Mexican American Caucus are on board. Ruben Cortez spoke to them. They conveyed that they will get all the Hispanic State Reps to sign and get as many republican reps as well.


Keta and Juan attended the Mexican American School Board Association.


Mexican American School Board Association has agreed to approve the resolution for MAS. HISD board of trustee Manuel Rodriguez said he will push it with HISD.


Resolutions will be posted on the website: either the blog post or the report card page.


We can also promote those resolutions via press releases and social media after that.


Local discretion is good, so that some schools with the right time, energy, and resources can design MAS from scratch. But that is not enough. State should develop this course.


 Link to this blogpost for mutlimedia and texting convenience:


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